Natural skincare playshop

Im very excited to be holding another natural skincare playshop – learn to make your own natural products!

See Playshop page for more info and to book your place!

Ylang ylang – in Indonesia they say this flower is like a woman, her beauty growing with maturity – the left is young and green and lacks the scent of a mature yellow blossom – musky, warm, sexy and alluring!

It’s fun

In the playshop you will rub shoulders with people that smell nice, play nice, are creative, usually look pretty gorgeous, and are mostly female (but we love boys too and we will make a special men’s product if you sign up!). We have fun mixing up lotions and potions, smearing stuff on your hands, feeling the different textures, smelling the luscious smells from rose and vanilla and sandalwood and pampering ourselves.

Its a lush way to spend sunday afternoon – you will feel filled up, revitalized, in touch with your creativity, playfulness and can still make it home for roast dinner!

For those that like a bit of techy stuff, I do cover some of the reasons why we might want to avoid products that are made of chemicals. Not that all chemicals are bad, but I think we do need to wake up and realise that a lot of companies are truly not interested in your wellbeing, they are interested in making profits, and while there’s nothing wrong about making money, it’s that their intentions are certainly not your health! There’s plenty of amazing companies popping up all over the place producing incredible products (the latest I have come across is this one. For more info on good skin care companies, see Jessica Ainscough’s site who overhauled her beauty regime when she got sick with cancer.

The dirty news

There’s so many chemicals and un-tested ingredients in most of the products sold to us and recommended for use on our precious skin. Skin is said to absorb kilo’s of chemicals and ingredients through out our life time, and what’s worse, very little of the cosmetic industry is regulated – not like food where new products are scrutinised – so, we are left to be the guinea pigs.

What I’m finding in my years of dabbling in health research is that most mainstream cosmetic companies are just interested in making money, they don’t truly care about your skin or you, they want your dosh! It’s proven again and again and again that product claims (the ones that say they do all these amazing things like stimulate stem cells, stimulate collagen and so forth) are untrested and untrue and cost alot of money. Its a real trick of marketing and consumerism and we fork out coin on a false promise. Even our beloved sunscreens are troublesome. I remember researching this for a radio show I made over ten years ago and was astounded to find out sunscreen actually has ingredients that have been shown to cause cancer when exposed to sun.. I wont explain fully here, except to say the main ingredient in most sunscreens is oxyl methoxycinnamate which has been shown to kill cells and is especially toxic in sunshine (oh dear!), for more info on this see this awesome post, and if you can’t be bothered reading, current bottom line is: choose a ‘chemical free’ product, most likely zinc based product is best and choose one without nano-particles. Yes, it is confusing but at this stage, word is, the top three I would go with are: Invisible Zinc, Soleo or Wotnot (I’m sure there’s other’s that arnt so bad either).

The wrap up

In case you are starting to really dispair, please don’t…

Come along to the playshop where we are going to become familiar with and make natural products from raw ingredients such as cocoa butter, mango (seed) butter, almond oil, beeswax, herb infusions and other such things that are safely used on the skin (and so safe you could eat them too – beeswax really isnt that tasty though!).

Hope you can make it,
