How to open a coconut safely!

I made a little video on how to open a drinking coconut safely for those people who have asked me.

The best implement to use is a cleaver like this one below, but I don’t have one so use my ‘chef’s’ knife, but any reasonably heavy/strong knife will do.

This is not a task for the meek and mild! Get your gusto going, your determination head on, and make a decision to do it! If you don’t feel gutsy just yet, ask someone to help you, please.

Please DO NOT place your other hand on the coconut whatsoever!

Let me know if this helped you.

Picture of a cleaver
A cleaver

or like this one:

chef's knife
chef’s knife

How to open a coconut safely from Angela Standley on Vimeo.

How I healed my gut after intestinal parasites

I’ve described in a previous post how I suffered from intestinal parasites  for over ten months. It was only the last six months I experiencing symptoms, of which the last three were intense – diarrhoea, gas, bloating, restlessness, impaired ability to concentrate, lack of energy, generally feeling unwell and slightly nauseous.

Kefir and Kambucha
Kefir and Kambucha

When I was first diagnosed (again, check my previous post and all the in-depth comments about the importance of proper diagnosis), I immediately began on herbal treatments – I took various herbal blends that included the usual anti-parasite herbs including:

  • Black walnuts (Juglans nigra)
  • Wormwood (Artemisia annua)
  • Garlic (Allium sativum)
  • Barberry (Berberis vulgaris)
  • Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)

I felt immediate relief from the herbal treatment, and continued with them for about two to three months. When things weren’t improving fast enough (and remember I had really exhausted myself out at this stage), I returned to my naturopath and asked for more information on medication. I am loathe to take medication unless I absolutely feel I need to, and I hadn’t had any medication for several years. I also feel that if I had more knowledge and experience, I may have been able to treat myself naturally – I am on this path now and hopefully in the future will have more information and skill to be abel to do this – stay tuned!

For now though, my naturopath (who works with her doctor husband who is able to prescribe medication), provided a script for a particular combination of medications* that she found worked best for other patients. I was warned I would feel slightly nauseous. I was also recommended to heal my gut afterwards, and this is what I want to write more about now.

Intestinal parasites occupy, obviously, the intestines, and so in themselves have an impact on the ability to uptake essential nutrients and minerals. Taking medication also harms the beneficial gut flora. I would highly recommend anyone who is mending themselves from intestinal parasites seek the help of a naturopath, and also arrange to have blood tests to determine levels of things such as iron, active B12, zinc and protein to be sure to treat any deficiencies and get back on the road to full health. My results showed very low iron, very low B12 and low zinc.

Quit sugar

In order to regain my health, I spent time investigating and experimenting with various diets such as the CSD diet (which admittedly got me to cut out sugar for three days upon which I kept going using  Sarah Wilson’s 8-week IQS plan – do it!).  ‘Quitting’ sugar was of major importance in feeling relief from the symptoms of intestinal parasites, and in healing my gut. Like most people, I didn’t have much obvious sugar (never drank soda/soft-drink, rarely had cake etc), but I tended towards sweet fruits and wanted a sugar hit in the afternoons (such as chocolate or toast with honey) – all signs of a sugar addict. I won’t go on about it here, there are other awesome sites dedicated to this topic, but do yourself and family a massive favour, particularly if you have intestinal parasites, and quit.

Supplements for intestinal health

I took (and still am taking, minus the iron) the following supplements. Note, I provide name and brand just for interest:

  • iron (ferrasorb by Thorne)
  • zinc (zinc picolinate by Now)
  • immunoglobulins (immune advantage by Now)
  • probiotic formula (Primal Defense which includes Saccharomyces boulardii, Lactobacillus plant arum, L.acidophilus, and others; by Garden of Life)
  • B complex (#6 by Thorne)

More recent supplements – are these going to be KEY to full health?

More recently, and since the medication treatment, I am taking the following supplements. I will write more about these in time, and feel these two will help to regain full health and stave of re-infection. I am taking the first one in the morning, the second one before sleeping.

  • MSM (methyl-sufonyl-methane) – for it’s supply of sulfur
  • Fossil Shell flour (diatomaceous earth) – for its anti-parasite/wormer qualities**

Superfood powder for general health pick me up

I also started to take a superfood powder, which I highly recommend called MANABlend. It is a mix of eleven ‘super’ foods and I love how it makes me feel. I will keep taking this even when I stop taking the other supplements.

MANABlend - boosted green smoothie for general pick me up
MANABlend – boosted green smoothie for general pick me up

Probiotic rich foods

I increased my intake of homemade probiotic-rich foods and created regular batches of:

  • milk kefir
  • coconut kefir (occasionally, I can’t quite get used to it yet!)
  • sauerkraut
  • kambucha (more recently).

In addition, I started taking herbs for stress and for my overworked adrenal glands.  I swap between these two brands, and find the top one the best:

  • Adrenal Health by Gaia Herbs
  • AdrenoTone by Metagenics.

Heal Well All

To those on this journey, I wish you the most success with your health and I would love to hear any tips you can share on your journey to heal your gut.

* For those still looking for information on best method of treating  D.fragilis, I will be compiling further research and comments of those who have contributed to my initial blog post on the topic. Anyone who has suffered or is suffering from intestinal parasites will understand how horrible it is. It’s a difficult battle at the moment, as most docs still think the parasite shouldn’t cause any issues and thus do not, a) properly diagnose, and b) properly treat. Many people are being reinfected, particularly those with small children, as there is a big possibility pin worms could carry the parasite (and anyone with kids will know how easily they get worms).

**If you do any internet research on these two supplements you won’t find a great deal. It’s worth remembering that just because there isn’t extensive research undertaken on things doesn’t in fact mean they won’t work/help. Research is very expensive. Its unlikely that research will be undertaken for products which big pharma’s can’t make money from (fair enough). I like to keep an open mind about such things, learn from those who are on this path, and if something is not going to damage my health I am open to experimenting.