What is an enema and why do enemas?

I am inspired to write about using enemas as a cleansing tool, or when on a detoxifying diet.

A photo of me with hibiscus flowers

Before you completely freak out, read on. Enemas have been used for centuries across numerous cultures. Well known and inspiring health gurus of our modern day such as David Wolfe (raw food), Donna Gates (Body Ecology Diet) and of course Dr Max Gerson (Gerson Therapy) proclaim the benefits of colon cleansing, including home administered enemas.

That being said, enemas are not for everyone. They certainly have taken me a long time to try. I have written about using enemas to assist the cleansing process before. My main inspiration for considering an enema was an ever-inspiring girlfriend who’s been doing them for years. I’d sometimes see her enema kit in the shower and feel slightly perturbed by it. It’s interesting to observe that when something is out of our own sphere of awareness that there can be a tendency to ignore, reject or judge it.  If you are interested and want a step by step process to help get over your intimidation with the process, plus more inspiring information,  check out Jess of the Wellness Blog, who has written a step by step process  for a coffee enema (and a video too!) – it’s a must for enema-newbies.

Basically an enema flushes liquid through the lower portion of the colon.  Using specialised (and simple) equipment consisting of a container and a tube, the enema fills up the lower portion of the colon with up to a litre/ 32 Oz of liquid (I only manage about 500ml/17Oz). The liquid stays in the lower portion of the colon for a short period of time (e.g. 12-15mins), and then the contents are eliminated into the toilet. I love that word- elimination! It’s nearly as good as evacuation

Yoga master Mr BKS Iyengar instructs in his book Light On Yoga, that one should evacuate their bowels before asana practice.

Evacuate, evacuate. Such an important thing to do, yet it can sure be a pain in the butt (excuse the pun) when you can’t! To help with regular bowel movements make sure to be eating plenty of fresh vegetables, doing regular exercise, deep belly breathing and reducing stress. I have written more on that here.

Coffee enemas

My favourite type of enema is a coffee enema.  I do enemas irregularly, and  mostly when I’m not feeling great or doing a cleanse/detox. For instance over the last few weeks I’ve put myself on an elimination type diet in an attempt to identify if any of the foods I eat regularly are causing my mild allergy symptoms – I do a lot of self-learning around health, I’m my own guinea pig. Because I’ve cut out a lot of foods, like dairy, wheat and gluten and added cleansing ingredients such as diatomaceous earth and oregano oil, I’ve experienced mild cleansing reactions.

Coffee enemas were popularised by Dr Max Gersen of the Gerson Therapy. The Gerson Therapy uses coffee enemas as part of a treatment for healing patients with cancer or other chronic disease. Coffee enemas have been found to stimulate the detoxification of the liver through various mechanisms including stimulating the production of bile.

Before attempting an enema you should have a general level of good health including importantly regular (at least once a day) bowel movements – unless you have supervision or guidance by a trained practitioner. Eliminating waste and toxins through regular bowel movements is crucial to great health. The use of filtered spring water (not chlorinated/fluoridated tap water/ contaminated water) is imperative, as is following a tested protocol.

Enemas are sometimes advised to assist in bowel movements, as are laxatives. However, dependant use of either enemas or laxatives can lead to further problematic issues.

Have you tried enemas to assist in cleansing/ detox and what was your experience?

Note – As always these are only my opinions as is everything on this blog. Please do other research and see how you feel about it. Only you will know what is right for your health.

Simple steps to improve your health and regularity!

Picture of a bowl of salad
Eat more fresh vegetables for better elimination!

Regular bowel movements are crucial to great health. To help improve bowel regularity naturally, be sure to:

  • Drink plenty of water – spring/filtered water only, and about three litres daily depending on your activity levels/ amount you sweat/ personal needs. Drinking only caffeinated tea/coffee/juices is not enough. Aim to drink this water in the first part of the day rather than in the evening when you may suffer from broken sleep when you awake to use the bathroom! Making herbal teas/ infusions is a good way to increase water intake, especially in colder months or climates
  • Eat more vegetable based meals such as leafy salads, chopped raw vegetables, steamed vegetables
  • Eat more home prepared meals that have the main portion being vegetables. Ensure these are made with whole foods – fresh vegetables rather than tinned for example
  • Eat more gentle fiber-rich foods such as chia seeds (soaked)- these are better than psyllium jusks which can be too harsh and bulky
  • Ensure adequate intake of probiotic-rich foods for healthy gut flora (kefir, raw sauerkraut, yoghurt, kambucha, and/or a good probiotic)
  • Exercise regularly – even a fifteen minute walk/ stretch/yoga, chuck on inspired tunes and do a Nia dance/movement session, yoga
  • Deep breathing / meditation – even a  few minutes out a few times a day will help enormously to relax the body, improve circulation – take a few minutes out regularly to take deep belly breaths
  • Reduce caffeine, processed foods (all packaged foods/ artificially flavoured foods), stress and feelings of resentment.

Note – sometimes you may need to reduce fibre-rich foods such as when you are healing inflamed intestines, such as with the SCD. Be sure to have enough water, continue gentle exercise and deep breathing.